Maintenance Tips for Your Resin Bound Driveway

Maintaining a resin bound driveway is key to preserving its appearance and longevity. Resin bound driveways are a popular choice due to their aesthetic appeal, permeability, and durability.

However, like any surface, they require regular care to keep them looking their best. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you maintain your resin bound driveway effectively.

Understanding Resin Bound Driveways

Before diving into the maintenance tips, it’s essential to understand what makes resin bound driveways unique. Resin bound driveways are created by mixing resin with aggregates (such as gravel, quartz, or crushed stone) and then laying the mixture onto a prepared base. This creates a smooth, porous surface that allows water to drain through, reducing puddles and surface water. The result is an attractive, hard-wearing surface ideal for driveways, paths, and patios.

Why Maintenance is Important

Regular maintenance of your resin bound driveway helps to:

  • Prolong its lifespan
  • Keep it looking clean and attractive
  • Prevent weeds and moss from taking hold
  • Maintain its permeability

Neglecting maintenance can lead to a dull appearance, blockages in the porous surface, and potential damage that might require costly repairs.

Regular Cleaning

Weekly Sweep

A simple sweep once a week can work wonders for your driveway. Use a stiff broom to remove leaves, dirt, and debris. This prevents organic matter from decomposing and potentially staining the surface or clogging the pores.

Monthly Wash

Every month, give your driveway a good wash. Use a garden hose with a spray nozzle or a pressure washer set to a low pressure. High pressure can damage the resin and dislodge aggregates, so keep it gentle. If you’re using a pressure washer, maintain a safe distance from the surface, about 20-30 cm away.

Removing Stains

Stains are inevitable, but they don’t have to be permanent. For oil stains, use a mild detergent mixed with warm water and scrub the area with a stiff brush. Avoid harsh chemicals as they can damage the resin. For organic stains like moss or algae, a diluted bleach solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) can be effective. Spray it on the affected area, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Dealing with Weeds and Moss

While resin bound driveways are resistant to weeds, they can still appear around the edges or in areas with a buildup of organic matter.


Preventive measures are your best defence against weeds and moss. Regular sweeping and washing remove the debris where these unwanted plants thrive. Applying a weed killer once or twice a year can also help keep them at bay.


If weeds or moss do appear, they are usually easy to remove. Hand-pulling is effective for small weeds. For larger infestations, use a weed killer suitable for resin surfaces. Moss can be scrubbed away with a stiff brush and a diluted bleach solution.

Seasonal Care


Spring is a great time for a thorough clean. Sweep away winter debris, wash the surface, and treat any stains. Check for any damage that might have occurred over winter and address it promptly.


In summer, the main challenge is preventing damage from UV rays and high temperatures. Keep an eye out for signs of discolouration or softening of the resin. If you notice these, consider applying a UV-resistant sealant to protect the surface.


Autumn brings falling leaves and more organic debris. Sweep regularly to prevent build-up. This is also a good time to apply a weed killer before the winter sets in.


Winter care involves dealing with ice and snow. Avoid using metal shovels or snow blowers, as they can damage the resin. Instead, use a plastic shovel or a stiff broom to remove snow. For ice, avoid salt or harsh chemicals. Instead, use a mixture of sand and salt in moderation to provide traction without causing damage.

Repairing Damage

Despite your best efforts, damage can occur. Small cracks or holes can often be repaired using a resin repair kit, which includes resin and aggregate that matches your driveway. For larger repairs, it might be best to call in professionals to ensure the job is done correctly.

Identifying Issues

Regular inspections can help you spot problems early. Look for:

  • Cracks or holes
  • Loose aggregates
  • Areas where water is pooling

DIY Repairs

For small issues, a DIY approach can be effective. Clean the damaged area thoroughly, ensuring it is dry. Mix the repair kit components as per the instructions, apply to the affected area, and smooth it out. Allow it to cure as directed.

Professional Help

For extensive damage, professional help is recommended. They have the expertise and equipment to fix the problem without causing further damage. It’s also worth considering professional maintenance services once a year to keep your driveway in top condition.

Enhancing Longevity

Protective Coating

Applying a protective coating can extend the life of your resin bound driveway. These coatings provide a barrier against UV rays, stains, and wear. They are usually applied once every few years and can significantly enhance the durability of the surface.

Avoid Heavy Loads

While resin bound driveways are robust, they are not indestructible. Avoid parking heavy vehicles or using heavy machinery on the surface to prevent damage.


Maintaining a resin bound driveway is straightforward with regular care and attention. By following these tips, you can ensure your driveway remains attractive, functional, and long-lasting. Regular cleaning, seasonal care, and prompt repairs will keep your resin bound driveway in pristine condition for years to come.


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