5 Signs It’s Time to Hire a Lawn Maintenance Service

Taking care of your lawn is an important aspect of your overall garden maintenance plan. We look at when to hire a lawn maintenance service.

Did you know that lawn maintenance can help you recover 267% of your lawn’s upkeep cost at the time of selling your house? Besides increasing your home’s aesthetic value, caring for your yard will provide your family with a beautiful place to relax and play.

Even after watering and mowing your lawn, there are times when it’ll need extra special attention. This is when lawn maintenance service comes into play.

But how do you know when it’s time to bring in a professional for your lawn care? Read on to learn five signs that it’s time to hire a lawn maintenance service.

1. Too Many Insects

A poorly maintained lawn will attract certain insects and outdoor creatures. These bugs will find comfort in the tall grass on your lawn. You may notice mounds of soil on the lawn or find insects inside your house.

Such creatures will be a sign that they have a nest on your lawn. As such, you will need a lawn maintenance service to trim the lawn and treat the insects.

2. Thin and Brown Grass

If your grass is brown and thin, your lawn will have bald or bare spots. The spots may make it difficult for you and your kids to enjoy outdoor entertaining activities.

Brown grass in your yard could mean that it lacks some essential nutrients. Professionals like those at https://rdslawncare.com/ have experience addressing thin and brown grass issues by providing aeration services. You can consider such lawn care service providers to make your lawn more vibrant.

3. A Lot of Weed

You may notice an increase in the weeds growing in your lawn. Once the weeds start popping, you may be unable to get rid of them.

You’ll need to hire a lawn maintenance service to deal with the invasive plants on your lawn. The lawn care professionals will bring the tools, skills, and herbicides to control the weeds.

4. You Lack Time for Home Maintenance

When you have to juggle between working and taking care of your family, caring for your lawn may be the last thing on your mind. In such cases, it is easy to neglect your lawn, especially if it’s too big.

The best solution would be to hire a lawn maintenance professional to do the job. Other than mowing your lawn, the professionals will go the extra mile to keep your yard healthy.

For example, they will give you tips on seasonal care for your lawn. They will tell you how to maintain your lawn in the summer, winter, and spring to keep it healthy all year round.

5. Complaints From Neighbors

If your lawn is poorly maintained, it might cause problems for your neighbors. They may complain because your yard may be affecting the neighborhood’s aesthetics. If your neighbor mentions that your lawn is unappealing, you should listen.

You’ll need to hire a professional lawn care company. The company will send a team to fix your lawn to satisfy you and your neighbor.

Hire a Lawn Maintenance Service for a Vibrant Lawn

If you want a beautiful lawn with healthy grass, you should stay on top of your lawn care. This means being on the lookout for signs that you need to hire a lawn maintenance service. Keep tabs on the above signs to know when you need an extra hand caring for your lawn.

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