The Most Popular Events Jobs For A Career

event job

Many people in London are dreaming to land a popular event job. Rightly so, there are plenty of career options when it comes to events jobs. Landing the right one, however, might be challenging as you have to find the right job for you and keep improving. Knowing what career options are available for you is the first step to building your career.

Events Director

An events director oversees many things from organizing to the planning of a convention and other events, usually on the behalf of the venue itself. So as an events director, you are required to meet with potential clients and do some marketing for the venue. Expect dealing with negotiation of contracts for external services, such as equipment rental, catering, security, and so on. This title is clearly one of the most popular ones among other events crew jobs in London due to prestige and salary.

Corporate event planner

If you think you are good at corporate gatherings and events, be it related to parties, conventions, or conferences, being a corporate event planner might be for you. You pretty much have to be an expert in hospitality. Bringing people and even companies together is your job. Clients must be happy and everyone’s needs and wants must be fulfilled. Keep in mind that it is possible to forget little details while doing this job. For example, not having enough chairs and tables, forgetting certain furniture, etc.


Organizing an event is a huge challenge, especially for a big event with thousands or even more participants. Problems may arise and conflicts between crew members could happen at any time. Thus, it is the facilitator’s job to make sure everyone involved can find common ground to solve problems of any kind. Other responsibilities include resolving conflicts, organizing discussions, listening to other people’s difficulties and concerns, and providing a neutral take amid conflict. Basically, your main job here is to make sure that everyone can think clearly and objectively, rather than using emotions.

Special events director

A special events director oversees everything related to developing a strategic plan for various events. Including generating new sales and planning and executing all aspects of every event. This job is very involved, and you will have to deal with everyone in the event team. Everything from logistics to coordinating with other departments is your responsibility. Pretty much nothing is outside your responsibilities. Obviously, this is a job that requires a lot of skills and experience.

Event planner

If you are good at managing a budget and meeting the needs with a specific budget, try becoming an event planner. Keep in mind that each event might be different from the others, so you will need to learn a lot from every event that you worked on.

Volunteer coordinator

This is a job that is commonly found in nonprofit organizations and events. As a volunteer coordinator, your job is to manage everything that is related to volunteers. Obviously, nonprofit organizations require a lot of volunteers, depending on what they require and how big they are. With new people volunteering, it can get chaotic and messy if not handled correctly. Your main goal as a volunteer coordinator is to create a positive work environment and help volunteers develop.

Event technician

No events can function properly with event technicians. Some events can get very complicated backstage, with deep knowledge of audio and video support needed. It can get even more difficult if the event is recorded or broadcasted. There may also be additional responsibilities such as visual aids, program lighting, and troubleshoots. So prepare yourself and make sure you are ready 100% before taking this job. That said, there are plenty of opportunities to grow in this field. From operating new equipment to adapting to different setups – it can get really exciting and challenging at the same time.


As you can see, there are plenty of opportunities for you when it comes to event jobs. There are more career options if you look deeper than what is listed here. I am sure you can find what you are looking for sooner or later.


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