How You can Prevent Water Damage in Your Home

There are numerous disasters that can occur in your house, but none are as destructive and expensive as a water leak!. Look for water stains or discoloration on walls and ceilings; this often indicates a leak in your piping. While preventing all leaks is impossible, regular plumbing services can help minimize the risk. 

Regular Inspections

When it comes to your plumbing, you have to be proactive about maintenance. No one likes the idea of unexpected disasters wreaking havoc and costing them thousands of dollars in repairs. The best way to avoid these catastrophes is by booking regular inspections for your home’s plumbing system. During these inspections, plumbers will check all the plumbing fixtures in your home, including kitchen sinks and drains, toilets, showers, faucets, water heaters, and even supply lines to these fixtures. They will also check the main sewer line to look for any signs of problems, such as blockages or leaks. Plumbers will also examine the condition of your pipes and check for any signs of rust or corrosion. These are typical problems with outdated pipes that can ruin the plumbing system in your home. The good news is that these issues develop slowly, which gives you time to have them fixed before they become a bigger problem. Leaking faucets, clogged drains, and other plumbing issues can disrupt your daily routine. They can cause odors, slow water flow, and even lead to costly water damage in your home. However, with preventative plumbing maintenance, you can avoid these issues and extend the lifespan of your home’s plumbing system.

Clogged Pipes

One of the most common reasons people call a plumber is because of clogged drains. Some of these clogs occur in sinks, tubs and showers; others happen in toilets and sewer lines. These clogs are more than unsightly and can cause water damage in your home. Over time, grease, hair and soap scum stick to the inside of pipes and block them from flowing freely. You can prevent some of these clogs by regularly cleaning your drains and using a drain cleaner safe for septic systems. But some clogs are simply inevitable. You might notice that a drain isn’t working as quickly as it used to or that there’s a foul odor coming from the drain. These are signs that you need to have professional Dallas plumbing services in to handle the clog and check for possible damage. Another cause of clogged pipes is loose fittings. These can occur when pipes are old and worn out or from sudden pressure changes. A plumber can inspect your pipes and tighten loose connections to prevent leaks and bursts. Even if a pipe looks fine, it’s still worth having a plumber check the condition of your sewer line with a camera. This isn’t usually part of a regular home inspection, but it’s an inexpensive service that can catch problems before they become big.

Sewer Backups

A sewage backup is more than just a smelly, messy nuisance. It can seriously endanger your family’s health and cause significant damage to your house and water supply.

Fortunately, sewer backups are usually preventable. Regular inspections can spot early problems before they cause a blockage. You can also help prevent clogs by never pouring cooking grease down drains and flushing only human waste, toilet paper and paper towels down the toilet. Other common causes of sewage backups include tree roots growing into pipes (even those not on your property) and old, cracked lines.

While most basic home insurance policies don’t cover sewage backups, many companies offer it as an optional add-on at a reasonable cost. Ask your agent if you are eligible for this coverage.

Look for signs of a potential sewer backup, including gurgling noises from the bathtub or shower and water backing into the tub. If you notice these warning signs, call a plumber immediately to avoid the worst damage. And be sure to save any receipts for cleaning, repairs or replacements related to the sewer backup so you can file an insurance claim if necessary. The sooner the issue is resolved, the less costly it will be. A sewer backup is never good news, but it is especially bad when it affects multiple sinks, toilets and floor drains throughout the house.

Water Leaks

Water damage is a serious issue that can quickly devastate your home. It can rot through structural supports, ruin your furniture and cause health issues from mold and bacteria. Water damage can also be very costly to repair. It can cost thousands of dollars to replace items, clean up the mess and restore your home to normal. The best way to prevent water damage from happening is by performing regular plumbing maintenance. This will help catch problems like slow leaks, corroded pipes and degraded valves before they become major issues. Knowing what to look for is important so you can call a plumber immediately.

Common signs of a water leak include water stains on the ceilings, walls and floors. You can also check your water meter to see if it moves when no water is used. Water gushing from a pipe or random puddles in the yard are also good indicators of a leak. Most homeowners are responsible for the water service line from their house to the water meter. If you suspect a leak in this line, it is usually the homeowner’s responsibility to fix it. However, the underground pipes are the water utility’s responsibility and should be repaired by a professional from the water company.


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