Steps to Take After Being Hit by an Uninsured Driver

If you’ve been hit by an uninsured driver, getting proper assistance afterward is key. Just like a work accident attorney will ensure your civil rights at work are protected, an auto accident attorney will do the same. They will represent you to the fullest and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome for your case. You should consider hiring an attorney almost immediately following an auto accident, unless, of course, you suffer severe injuries. Read on to see other steps you can take after an accident happens.

Tips for Handling an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

Contact Law Enforcement

If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, it is a wise idea to reach out to the police right away. Uninsured drivers have no proof of insurance to show you. This means that the police report is the best piece of evidence that will work in your favor for damages and injuries sustained in the accident. The police report will help you avoid having to pay out of pocket for repair and medical expenses. It will also make the process of filing a claim much smoother.

Avoid Accepting Money

It is not uncommon for an uninsured driver to offer the other driver money to avoid legal consequences. They may do this in an attempt to avoid paying outrageous fines. However, you will have no clue to know how much your injuries or damages will cost until later. With that being said, it is wise to avoid accepting money from the uninsured party.

Exchange Information

While the uninsured driver obviously won’t have proof of insurance to show you, you still want to make sure you exchange contact information. While you’re at it, ask for contact information from any eyewitnesses nearby in addition to their statements. This information will also be beneficial when you file a claim.

Collect Important Details

Be sure you collect important details such as vehicle information, location/time of the accident, and law enforcement information. The more information and details you can provide to your insurance company, the smoother the process will be.

Take Photos

Taking pictures of the accident scene and both vehicles serve as conducive evidence for your claim. Don’t forget to take pictures of the VIN, license plate, and other things you feel are relevant.

Have Liability Insurance Beforehand

While a certain amount of liability insurance is required in the majority of states, there are still drivers that choose not to purchase insurance. Being prepared and getting your own liability insurance before an accident even happens is something everyone should consider.


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