Tips You Need to Know About Female Ejaculation

Female ejaculation (or squirting) is one of those sexy things that’s often misunderstood. It’s also a very natural part of sexual response.

Squirting happens when your vulva (technically the urethra and skin’s glands) involuntarily releases fluid during orgasm or sexual arousal. The fluid is thin and watery, but not urine.

Know the Difference Between Ejaculation and Squirting

Many people have a hard time distinguishing between squirting and orgasms. While it isn’t uncommon to feel both simultaneously, squirting is a specific type of orgasm involving putting pressure on the G-spot. The g-spot is a spongy indent on the front wall of the vagina that can be reached with your finger (or your partner’s) or a sex toy with a curved tip.

Some women also find squirting to be more intense than orgasms. Squirting can involve more fluid and is often described as a “gushing” or “geyser-like” sensation.

Squirting involves the release of a clear, odorless fluid composed of urine, urea, and creatinine released by glands in the anterior wall of the vagina, known as the Skene glands. Though a small study incorrectly reported that squirting is just pee, this is untrue. Whether you’re a squirter or not, the feeling is still very sexually exciting.

Be Prepared

We all know that women ejaculate (or squirt) — but what exactly is this fluid, and why does it happen? A sex advise expert like Gabrielle Moore can share insights and discuss the myths around female ejaculation and how to prepare for it.

Squirting, when your vulva releases liquid from the urethra in response to sexual arousal or orgasm, is different from vaginal lubrication (being wet). The fluid released is typically watery, colorless, or milky and doesn’t smell like urine. It’s also not a sign that you’re about to pee, although some people find it helpful to empty their bladder before sex, so they can tell the difference between the urge to squirt and the need to pee.

While more research is needed, it’s important to remember that female ejaculation is completely normal and is often a pleasure-inducing part of sexual intimacy. Getting comfortable with your body and how you experience pleasure can help combat some stigmas that have kept this experience in the dark for too long.

Have Fun

The sexy world of female ejaculation is not always as clean and pure as porn makes it out to be. It can involve a lot of gushy fluid oozing over your partner, dildo, or fingers — and that’s fine. The key to getting squirty is to have fun and be creative with your foreplay. Start with lots of kissing and cuddling to build sexual tension and arousal.

During foreplay, try different positions and techniques to find what works best to stimulate the erogenous zone. Generally, faster movements with increased pressure are what trigger the squirt. Once the sexy stuff starts flowing, it’s often difficult to stop.

While the squirty liquid is not exactly urine, the first study found urea and creatinine concentrations, major components of pee. Interestingly, this same liquid can also be found in salivary glands, amniotic fluid, and breast tissue. It’s no wonder it has been referred to as the “nectar of the gods” by ancient cultures. Regardless of what it’s made of, the important part is that it’s arousing for both partners.

Be Open

It’s important to be open about female ejaculation with your partner. They will be more pleased if you are comfortable discussing it with your partner. Many women enjoy being squirted on, and it can make them even more orgasmic.

Squirting is a natural part of the female sexual response and is nothing to be embarrassed about. It can be quite pleasurable for both you and your partner. If it turns you on, let your partner know that and try to work squirting into your next orgasm together.

Some women squirt a little, while others may gush up to half a cup of fluid. The amount of squirt will vary depending on the size of your vulva, but it is common for female ejaculation to happen during or right before an orgasm. It is also a great way to increase orgasm and can be a lubricant for climaxes. Some researchers believe that squirting can help to prevent pregnancy, as it contains hormones like PSA and fructose that can block sperm from reaching an egg.

Be Respectful

Despite what some pornography might suggest, female squirting is not just a sign of good sex. Many women find it a natural part of their sexual responses and can be quite pleasurable. Just take your time and do plenty of foreplay before you ask her to squirt. It takes some time to build up the tension that leads to spraying, and it can’t be rushed.

Squirting is not a sign of climax and should never be treated as such. Some bodies can squirt, but others cannot, which is normal.


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