Invoice Factoring in Construction Finance


Invoice factoring in construction finance is an attractive solution for several reasons. It can help you avoid the hassle of chasing down slow payers or mortgages by turning invoices into cash. It can also allow you to expand your business by taking on new projects. However, it does carry some risks. 

Invoice Factoring

Once you understand invoice factoring for construction companies,  you can begin evaluating whether it suits your business. Unlike other forms of financing, invoice factoring is a fast, convenient way to obtain cash. Invoice factoring companies usually charge a fixed or variable rate of 1.5 to 5% of the total invoice amount. Construction companies often cannot qualify for traditional bank loans, so factoring is a perfect solution for them. This method can help construction companies get the money they need to keep working and start new projects.

Construction Loans

A construction loan is a type of financing that lets you borrow the funds you need for a home project. These commercial construction loans that will finance are generally a five to seven-draw schedule, although some loans may have a longer or shorter draw schedule. Each drawing is a small sum of money that goes towards the contractor’s bill. The more minor disbursements help keep a construction project on track. The amount of each draw will depend on the project and the lender’s rules.

The developer’s credit rating is the most crucial factor for determining loan qualification. In addition, they will want to know that the project can generate income and be sold quickly. They will also want to know the exact size of the land and how much it will cost to build. Lenders will also typically perform a home appraisal to make sure the property is worth what the lender is loaning. This way, they can ensure that the loan they give you is the right amount for your project.

Releasing Equity

If you are considering releasing some of the equity in your property, you can do so with a construction finance loan. However, depending on your property type, you can complicate this process. To get the best possible deal, you should seek the advice of an equity release adviser. A good advisor can match you up with a lender and the correct product type. Determining how much equity you have to release can be challenging, and the right adviser can help.

Releasing equity in construction finance can benefit those who need to supplement their pension savings. You can also use this money to renovate the home, give cash gifts to family members, and help children purchase their first homes. There are risks associated with releasing equity, so it is essential to seek independent financial advice and understand the implications. For example, if you borrow against the equity in your property, you may be faced with increasing interest rates, which could lead to the more outstanding debt.


Self-financing in construction finance is a means of generating funds by leveraging other assets. Some traders may invest in property development using funds built up themselves, and other businesses may be able to release equity from other investments. Refinancing a commercial mortgage may be one method for removing funds for construction. There are also alternative means of obtaining construction finance, including self-employment.

A KIAC service works with three committee agencies to determine how much the project will cost. When applying for a KIAC loan, ensure you understand precisely what each funder will pay for and how to submit bills to the committee. If you do not have the resources or experience to handle all of this, seek an advisor. They can connect you with lenders who can provide the funds you need.


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