How To Know if a Rebate App Is Worth It

There are many different kinds of rebate apps that promise all sorts of things. How do you know when a rebate app is worth it?

With the average American household spending around $8,000 a year on food alone, it might not be that surprising that most people are looking for new ways to save money with a rebate app.

Reward and Cashback schemes are not a new idea. Couponing has been a national pastime for many years. But now an app in the palm of your hand can find you the best deals while you are in the store.

However, deciding which rebate app is the best can be difficult. So, we have written this short guide to help you decide on the best cashback app for you.

What Are Rebate Apps

If you are interested in cashback on your purchases made in-store then rebate apps are here to help. Similar to coupons they offer you money off certain products that you can buy when out shopping.

However, they differ from coupons because instead of giving you a few cents off at the purchase point, they give you a larger rebate at a later date.

Offers will appear in the app, telling what products have discounts available this week. You can also scan product bar codes in-store to see if offers are available.

Once you make a purchase you can scan your receipt into the app as proof and claim your cashback into your account.

There are lots of options available and sometimes it can be difficult to know which rebate apps are the best. The great news is that you can use multiple apps at the same time so you can benefit from all of them in one shop.

One of the best ways you can discover the best deals is to check rebate app reviews. Similar to coupon sites there are lots of options online where you can compare and contrast the rebates app features against each other.

The Best Rebate Apps Features

When you first go to sign up with a rebate app company, what features should be looking out for? Each app is different and will offer different ways to shop and save money. Let’s take a look at some of the essential features it needs to have.

Easy Scanning of Receipts and Bar Codes

This is a basic feature and needs to be easy to find and do within the app. When you are in the store you don’t want to be messing about trying to find the scanner or needing to open your phone’s camera. This feature needs to be front and center in the app.

Regular Cycling of Offers

You don’t want to be using an app that doesn’t refresh its offer options regularly. Sometimes there will be offers that simply don’t fit your lifestyle. You should be looking for an app that cycles its offers every couple of days.

Easy Cashout Option

Cashing out of the app is the reason we are all here. There will be a minimum amount you need to reach in savings before the app lets you withdraw your money. Check what this is before you sign up to make sure it is realistic.

Also, make sure the app offers good cash-out payment options like PayPal.


A watch list is a nice to have feature. It will allow you to select certain products and be warned when they are about to go on sale. Never miss a bargain again!

Finding the Best Rebate App

With a little online research, you should be able to find the best rebate app for you, with all the features you need. check to see if they have a signup bonus available too and you will be well on your way to savings!

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